Solar and Energy Solutions

Solar heat your pool!

Imagine heating your pool without a heater that burns fossil fuels that pollute our air and cost extra hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every swimming season!
Solar panels specifically designed for heating swimming pools have come a long way in the past 20 years. We can now install custom made panels to soak up as much sun as possible in the space available on your roof. Or, if your concern is aesthetics, maybe just a few short panels out of sight to compliment your gas heater, extend its life, and lower your gas bill. These systems are fully automated, so the solar panels are only “on” when the sun is out and your roof is hot.
We can install solar heating for your pool on almost any roof; cedar shingles, regular shingles, tile, tar and gravel or even torch-on! We also have a unique and sturdy framing system that allows us to install solar panels on flat roofs without “roof penetration”. Call today for a free site inspection and quote.
Visit our manufacturer Hot Sun Industries

Salt Water Pools

Salt-water pools basically, for an initial installation and set-up cost, eliminate the need for you to buy chlorine throughout the entire swimming season.
This technology has also advanced in leaps and bounds in the past ten years. Once set-up properly, they generate chlorine in your pool automatically. With the simple twist of a dial, you can generate more, or less chlorine. Your only requirement is to test your chlorine, test your salt, and twist that dial as required.

Electronic Ignition Pool Boilers

We have a wide selection of energy smart pilot-less gas heaters that are more fuel-efficient than ever. No more guess work involved with the old thermostat dial’s “high” or “low”. Just adjust the digital thermostat to your desired temperature, and a clear, LCD readout tells you the temperature of your pool water. No more wasted gas overheating your pool!

Energy Saving Ideas

  • Electronic timers
  • Solar blankets
  • Two-speed pumps
  • Fully automated metering pumps
  • Liquid solar covers
  • Proper pH and stabilizer levels
  • A well maintained heater
  • Clean filters